11 Best Countries for Introverts
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Do you want to find out the best countries for introverts? Whether you want to travel or live there, a few countries are just more introvert-friendly than others.
I’ve lived in a few different countries and travelled some more, so I was able to get an idea of what works and what doesn’t.
This list will give you an overview of the best countries for introverts.
What makes a country introvert-friendly?
We all have different ideas of what introvert-friendly means. For me, it means the following:
- People don’t just approach me for small talk
- There is beautiful countryside to retreat to
- Good public transport that isn’t overcrowded
- Good infrastructure for nice walks
When it comes especially to travelling:
- Great selection of accommodation
- English is widely spoken
- Many touristy areas, so I don’t stand out
- Beautiful scenery (can’t get enough of this)
When all these factors unite, a country becomes a little haven for introverts.
We need places for solitude to recharge but also some areas where we can interact with people without standing out.
I, for example, love going to shopping malls – unless it’s near Christmas or Black Friday.
I’m surrounded by people but no one really talks to me but I still feel part of a community.
If you’re not sure what activities you can do while travelling or at home, then check out 16 Best Activities for Introverts While Travelling – and at Home.
So, which countries are best for introverts to live in or travel solo? Let’s go alphabetically.
Canada is a beautiful country as well as fairly big. The people are polite, friendly, still reserved, and they respect privacy.
There is good infrastructure and as much quiet nature as you need.
The main cities are touristy but there is still enough space to find some solitude while your solo travel.
Canada is also a very safe country, so you don’t have to worry too much about being safe on top of the normal worries of an introvert.
Denmark is one of several Scandinavian countries on this list. These countries have a fairly introverted culture where there is not much small talk (yay) and it’s all quite efficient (another yay).
Furthermore, Denmark is also a beautiful country where you can enjoy the coastline as well as the countryside.
It is not one of the cheapest countries, but still affordable.
Being loud in public is very rare for Danish people, so you shouldn’t be able to see any dramatic scenes when you’re out and about.
The next Scandinavian country on this list. Just like Denmark, Finland is a country with an introverted society.
Finnish people are completely OK with silence. They don’t feel the pressure to be social just because another person is around them.
They don’t beat around the bush if you ask them a question, most of the time, they answer frankly.
Finland is a big country with not that many inhabitants. If you want to escape from the chatter of cities, then there is plenty of nature around for you to relax in.
However, if you’re not a fan of cold temperatures, then Finland might not be the best country for you.
All these Scandinavian countries. Could they not have been more influential when settling all over the world? The world would be a more introvert-friendly place.
Just like Denmark and Finland, Iceland is a beautiful country where there aren’t many people and which offers a peaceful environment.
Many areas of Iceland are still untouched. And even though it’s a place where many tourists visit, you can still enjoy tranquillity.
There are hot springs, ice caves, waterfalls, and other beautiful sights as far as the eye can see.
Finally, another non-Scandinavian country, Ireland. But don’t get your hopes up if you’re looking for a hot country – Ireland isn’t it.
It is however very beautiful with lush green meadows all around.
Many areas are low in population. You can count the big cities on one hand, and other than that the towns are small with only a few inhabitants.
The Irish are friendly, but not too friendly. They do like their beer but if you don’t show inclination, then they won’t just invite you to one.
They aren’t the most introverted society, but they keep more among themselves than others.
One of my favourite destinations in general and for introverts is Japan.
You might first think of these big cities like Tokyo and Kyoto and the masses walking around there, and you’re not wrong. That can be quite a lot.
But Japan also offers an incredible countryside with many mountains and hikes. The nature is beautiful and the infrastructure to get to less crowded places is great.
And even the big cities have offers for introverts. There are many restaurants where it’s expected that you eat by yourself and you can order everything on a tablet and don’t have to talk to anyone – how great is that?!
Japan is not sparsely populated and the areas where people can live are limited but that also means that the Japanese people got used to respecting each other space and privacy.
They are also quite reserved when it comes to foreigners. This can be a bit of a problem when you want to live there and build your own little community, but they will still be very friendly.
The only thing that really annoyed me in Japan was that they always had to yell in shopping malls.
There are store assistants who yell “Irashaimase” to get your attention and to go to the store. Very annoying but can be dealt with with headphones.
Nepal is more a travel destination than one to live in, in my opinion.
This country offers an incredible number of hikes and beautiful scenery that can rival any other country.
It is quiet and safe, and you can lose yourself in this incredible country.
If you’re not into outdoor activities, then Nepal might not be the best destination for you.
New Zealand
Maybe not a country you would have thought of immediately, but due to its beauty and the limited number of people, it’s perfect for introverts.
There are more sheep than people on this island – isn’t that a great stat?! 😀
The landscape you can enjoy in this country is incredible and the people there are nice and used to tourists, so you won’t stand out.

Another beautiful country, another sparsely populated destination.
Norway offers fjords, waterfalls, and lovely scenery all throughout the country.
The people are reserved and they live a slow paced life.
Another quite expensive country though. Especially alcohol can be fairly expensive due to the taxes. Luckily, I don’t drink, so I can have a smug smile when someone complaints about the prices.
Another big plus for Norway is the chance to see the Northern Lights. I haven’t been so lucky yet, but this is one big item on my bucket list.
And the last but not least of the Scandinavian countries, Sweden.
Sweden has always been a country with a high quality of life. Swedish culture supports the introverted personality type. Too much extroversion isn’t well seen there.
Additionally to the people, is Sweden another country that offers breathtaking landscapes and many outdoor activities that can be done alone.
English is also widely spoken.
A small but lovely country which is also a good destination for introverts, especially if you like train travel.
There are many wonderful areas to explore. You can hike in the summer and ski in the winter.
Swiss people are friendly, but not overly outgoing.
Another expensive country, however. Switzerland is expensive in many areas but it is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
Best countries for Introverts – Recap
This is the end of the 11 best countries for introverts.
Have you selected your next destination for a solo trip? Or are you thinking of moving to Denmark or Finland some day in the future?
The most important traits for introvert-friendly countries are people being friendly, but reserved; good infrastructure to be able to move around solo; and beautiful landscape to get lost in your own thoughts.
Best Countries for Introverts – FAQ
What culture is best for Introverts?
Introverted culture is best for introverts. People don’t expect them to socialise more than they want. A different learning style is taught at school where the loudest isn’t the best. And people don’t need to fill silent stretches.
What environment is best for introverts?
Introverts thrive in a quiet environment. They have space and quiet to organise their thoughts and don’t have to compete for attention between all the noise. Here is a great article about the right environment for Introverts on Introvert, Dear.