16 Best Activities for Introverts While Travelling – and at Home
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16 Great activities that Introverts can do while travelling or being at home
Introverts love alone time. We don’t need to listen to anyone and can just recharge our batteries. But we don’t always just want to do that while sitting somewhere listening to music. We also want to do activities that energize us.
This post provides you with a list of activities for introverts that you can do while travelling or even at home.
1. Hiking
The perfect activity for introverts while travelling to get some alone time and see the beautiful nature at your destination. Hiking for hours while taking it the tranquillity is one of my favourite activities in the whole world.
I love to already select a few hikes on my hiking app before I travel somewhere to have some ideas of what I can do. I use Komoot for that.
Then I can decide on the day what I am in the mood for. And when I say hike, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a nature hike. It can also be a hike through a city. For me, anything is a hike that is longer than 2 hours.
You can hike through the city, have your headphones on and let the app guide you. This way you’ll do sightseeing while also enjoying the benefits of a hike.
Also just going for a walk can already give you many benefits and increase your happiness level. It doesn’t have to be hours.
And if walking isn’t your jam, then bike rides might be a better option for you. While riding a bike, you can see even more of your destination in a shorter time and there it’s definitely difficult for strangers to just talk to you.
2. Visit a museum or church
There are museums in almost every tourist location. You can just immerse yourself in the exhibition and take in what it has to offer and you don’t have to talk to anybody while learning about your destination.
Churches are even more common and are often worth a visit.
I like taking an audio guide or even a guided tour to understand it even better. Someone talking at me while I take everything in has a calming effect on me.
And even if I’m in a group there, people usually don’t talk to me, so I can enjoy the experience in peace.
If you just want some quiet for a while, then I can also recommend visiting a library. There are some incredibly stunning libraries around the world.
3. Enjoy a beach
Destinations with a seafront are always a highlight for me. Sitting on the beach during sunset is absolutely satisfying.
And beaches can be visited all year round. Most of the time, I don’t go there for a swim but just to revel in the beauty. Especially in winter, I love to walk on the beach in a cold breeze and enjoy the calm. I recommend wearing very warm clothes while doing this, otherwise, it gets chilly very quickly.
4. Visit a cooking class (or any type of class)
This might seem like an unusual recommendation for an introvert as visiting a class means interacting with strangers, but most of the time, the focus is not on you and you’re learning something new.
I like taking cooking classes while travelling. This allows me to get to know the local cuisine better and I learn a new skill.
Maybe a location is known for its pottery. You could take a pottery class. And this way, you even have a souvenir of your journey.
On Okinawa in Japan, I did a class where I painted the two dragons that are famous on Okinawa. I still have them to this day.
5. Write or journal
If you have read my solo travel guide for introverts, then you know that I recommend journaling while travelling.
Writing down your thoughts and emotions, and practising mindfulness helps introverts deal with their emotions that might be heightened while travelling as this brings out a lot of them.
Working on self-awareness through writing and journaling can help you with future travels. You might realise that you like certain things that you didn’t anticipate and vice versa.
Or maybe writing a short story or a poem is an alternative. You can write about your journey and what you’ve learned.
Another option is writing a blog. You can write about your travels and having it online allows your family and friends to partake with you.
6. Visit a park or a coffee shop
Many introverts like to be around people but are not actively involved at times. A park or a coffee are great locations where you can enjoy solitude to an extent while still having people around you.
Maybe you’re even lucky and there’s a musician in the park you can listen to.
7. Reading or watching a movie
I believe reading is an activity that many introverts enjoy. And a lot of the previous activities can be combined with a good book to make the most out of it.
Or you can read while you relax in your room after a long day out sightseeing. Here, you can also switch it up with a movie. Not everyone has the energy to read after a long day out, so watching a movie is a good alternative.
I always recommend downloading movies and TV shows before you leave for your travel adventure, so you’re not reliant on good internet at your accommodation.
8. Go on a long drive
This might be the start of a travel adventure. Maybe it’s an all-day outing where you drive for a few hours, enjoy a beach or a hike and then drive back.
For me driving while listening to music is very relaxing – if there isn’t a traffic jam.
9. Kayaking / Boating / Boat tour
This is more of a warm weather activity unless the boat for the boat tour also has an indoor area.
I love stand-up paddling. Although to be fair, for me it’s more sit-down paddling but still. It’s calm and relaxing and these days where there’s water, there is usually a hire place to get a SUP or a kayak and take it out.
You could even take a class here if you don’t know how to do either of these, thus learning a new skill.
If getting wet is not that appealing to you, then maybe a boat tour is more to your liking. Again, where there is (a bit more) water, there is usually a boat tour agency. This is often the case with large lakes or harbours.
One of my favourite boat tours was actually in Cambodia. First, we went out on a small speed boat and then got to a large ship where there were hammocks. To be fair, this was a half-day trip but still recommendable.
10. Learn another language
This is probably more for BEFORE you go on your holidays but learning another language is a great activity for travelling. It will make it easier to get around at your destination and you don’t even have to talk to other people, you can just listen and see what you’ve learned.
This can be combined with a visit to a coffee shop or if you’re already very advanced in your language skills with reading a new book.
11. Go shopping
This might seem unusual but I love going to shopping centres in new places. I don’t necessarily buy anything, just walking around, doing some window shopping, and being around people but not talking to them makes me happy.
It’s also good to know that there are usually relatively clean toilets. So if you’re in a city you don’t know, you can be fairly certain that there are toilets at a shopping centre if you need to use them.
If you’re more of a farmers market person, then I can also recommend that. Or flea markets. It’s great to see what people have on offer and you don’t have to buy anything.
12. Get your crafts on
I’m not a particularly crafty person but I always admire people who can knit or crochet on planes and make the time fly past.
Or people who paint famous sights in their notebooks, are just amazing.
All these activities are great for introverts and keep you occupied while travelling or accompany activities like sitting at the beach.
13. Photography
You probably already take photos when you travel but you might want to take it to the next level. You can think about the composition and see motives that you wouldn’t have thought of before.
It might also motivate you to go to destinations that were out of your comfort zone before but you really want to take those beautiful pictures.
14. Going to the movies
Not everyone is a fan of this but I like going to the cinema on my own. And I even do it when I’m travelling. Not all the time but when I’m somewhere a bit longer then I see what’s on and give myself a treat.
It also only works if I speak the local language well enough or if they have screenings in English.
Going to the movie theatre alone might be weird for some people but trust me, people don’t care that you’re alone there. You can just enjoy some nice popcorn, a good movie and an air-conditioned room if it’s warm where you are and enjoy yourself.
15. Meditation or Yoga
You can meditate anywhere and if your room is big enough then you can even do Yoga while travelling.
I started doing Yoga while I was travelling for work. I needed that outlet and it relaxed and energized me at the same time.
There are plenty of Youtube videos that show how to do Yoga or to meditate. You can bring your own Yoga travel mat or just use a towel for the exercises.
And for meditation, a bed is enough. Both activities should allow you to calm your busy minds after an exciting day out and de-stress.
It’s also good for better mental health in general.
16. Go Skiing
You might not think it initially but skiing is a great activity for introverted solo travellers. To be fair, it’s not something you can do if you’re not at a ski resort, but I would recommend trying it out if you can.
You don’t have to talk to anyone while skiing. Even on the ski lifts, people don’t tend to just talk to you. Certainly while skiing it’s difficult to talk to anyone even if you’re in a group.
Skiing is a great activity for introverts who still want to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors but might not be the biggest hiker.
I’m always astonished when I go to a new ski resort and see the beauty of the mountains – and I didn’t have to hike for hours to get there.
The 16 Best Activities for Introverts – Recap
This marks the end of this post. As you can see there is a multitude of introvert-friendly activities that you can do while travelling and at home.
Being out in nature on a hike or walk, visit a museum or beautiful buildings, read or watch a movie, or just meditate.
Travelling is a lot for introverts, so being prepared with activities that are good for you, alleviates some of the stress that an unknown environment brings with it.
Activities for a solo travelling Introvert FAQ
1. How can solo travelling be beneficial for introverts?
Solo travelling provides a way for introverts to explore the world at their own pace and indulge in quiet time for introspection. It’s a great way for introverts to learn a new skill, like picking up another language, while still having the space for mindfulness and self-awareness.
2. Can introverts enjoy social activities while travelling alone?
Absolutely. Just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t engage in social activities while travelling. Whether it’s joining a group hike or participating in a local cultural experience, there are introvert-friendly activities that allow introverts to engage at their own pace, whether you’re alone or with others.
3. How can solo travel help introverts in overcoming social anxiety?
Solo travel can be a way for introverts to escape the pressures of social events and gradually build social energy. Engaging in a variety of things while travelling solo allows introverts to slowly confront their social anxiety in a controlled environment.